Sunday 31 March 2013

InDesign Animal Layout

For the InDesign brief we were asked to produce a double page spread on the animal we were given. After looking into National Geographic and other animal and nature magazine layouts, as well as other magazine layouts, I began to produce mine.

I wanted to design and produce a spread that was simple, sophisticated and did not look cheap like some of the existing designs. I started off by collecting the images and information that I wanted to use in my work. The images were from various Internet sources and the information was from the National Geographic website.

Once the information and images were collected I gridded up my spread dividing each page into 20 boxes. I divided the full left hand page of the spread as I wanted to use the entire page, however, on the right hand page I used a 12.7 mm margin around the whole page. I chose to use the margin on the right-hand page as there was going to be more information on this page and I didn’t want the page to feel crowded and heavy. On the right hand page I also made the gutters between the images and text to break up the page.

I chose to use Helvetica Light and Helvetica Bold as I wanted something simple and modern. This works very well as a header as it allowed me to break down the two headers words. As the alligator was the main focus on information this was written in Bold. The other headline information was written in Light.

After I had produced the first design that I was happy with I was given an opportunity to receive feedback on it.

The feedback I received was:

-                Good selection of photographs. Layout of both text an image work well and compliment each other, creating a DPS that engages with the viewer.
-                You could make the alligator at the bottom of the left page interact with the text.
-                The white background works well with the imagery as it helps draw attention to them. Possibly increase the point size of the title.
-                Love the use of columns.
-                Nice and simple, possibly too much white space. Images could be positioned in a more natural way so they interact with the body copy more. Two sizes for one header is questionable, try a light coloured background. Maybe slightly more body copy.
-                Like the columns used and the image in the right bottom corner. Maybe have the open mouthed alligator interact with another image or with the text in some way.
-                Love the layout, the two column grid works really well. There is a really nice balance between type and image. Consider increasing the size of the title.
-                Maybe add colour. Like the fact file surrounded by images. Strong images. Audience not very clear. Maybe more characteristic/relevant type.
-                Header fonts could be enlarged, however, it works really well in terms of being balanced.
-                Very nice and simple, good composition and choice of photographs.
-                Simplicity of design and layout reflects the informative purpose. Choice of images are interesting, particularly the shot of the alligators iris/eye. Shows a different image of the animal in comparison to the usual connotations. The image on the left might look more balanced slightly higher.
-                Could change header fonts to be more interesting. Maybe needs more space between ‘Average life span’ and ’35 to 50’. Like the change of colours in the fonts for the fact file and the image of the eye.

After receiving this feedback I changed some of the elements that were suggested. I moved the image of the alligator on the left-hand page so that it was higher. I also increased the header font sizes so they stood out more and were more prominent. I also moved the body copy down. I did this so it would interact with the image more and it gave the header more space so the layout did not feel cramped. 

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