Friday 25 January 2013

Colour Theory Continued

Questions on colour:

Individual Questions
§  When a colour is balanced by its complimentary is that low or high contrast of extension?
§  Can you still have a contrast of extension with colours that are not complimentary?
§  In contrast of temperature, if blue is cold and orange is warm, is a lighter blue colder or is a darker blue colder and is a lighter orange warmer or a darker orange warmer.
§  Does the contrast of tone affect the contrast of temperature?
§  Is it possible for the contrast of tone and contrast of temperature to work independently within a single hue?
§  How does the contrast of extension and contrast of saturation become affected when the scale changes – Really large or really small?
§  Is it possible to have a perfect colour?
§  Do tertiary colours have complimentary colours?

Common questions within the group
§  When contrast of extension is balanced is it a low/high/mid contrast?
§  Does contrast of extension apply for colours that are not complimentary?
§  Do tertiary colours have complimentary colours?
§  How does artificial/natural light affect the perception of colour?
§  How does the chromatic value of white stock effect the colour of a print?
§  Does contrast of tone affect the contrast of temperature?
§  Is it possible for a colour to be warm if it is desaturated?
§  Can complimentary colours be balanced? (contrast of extension)
§  How would simultaneous contrast be used and can it be used?
§  How do you make the colours gold/silver/bronze etc.
§  Can temperature effect legibility?

Applied colour theory:

-       2 production methods
-       2 processes
-       1st process: CMYK – four colour process
-       2nd process: Physically mixed colours – does not rely on four colour process
-       When printing it id not the ink or the stock that costs it is the production and set up of the plate
-       On a 4 process print 4 colours are always used = 4 plates
-       A 1 plate process if 25% of the price of a 4 plate process
-       On each plate there are a whole selection of tints of that one colour. These tones are only optically desaturated and not physically desaturated. This is done by adjustoing the dot pitch (not dpi)
-       Greysacal/monochrome only use one plate

Photoshop – Colour swatches:

-       Swatches are exact colours
-       Pantone swatches allow you to match colours between print and screen
Colour Picker
§  More complicated colours
§  Higher cost to print
§  More risk as the colour may not be produce exactly.

Commercial printers can usually go up to 7 plates, including colour and spot varnishes.

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